- adehabitatHS::baugesCensus of chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) in the Bauges mountains
- adehabitatHS::bighornRadio-Tracking of Bighorn Sheeps
- adehabitatHS::chamoisLocation of Chamois Groups in the Chartreuse Mountains
- adehabitatHS::pheasantRadio-Tracking of Pheasants
- adehabitatHS::puechRadio-Tracking Data of Wild Boar (2)
- adehabitatHS::puechdesIIIHabitat Selection by the Wild Boar at Puechabon
- adehabitatHS::squirrelRadio-Tracking Data of Squirrels
- adehabitatHS::squirrelocRadio-tracking of squirrels
- adehabitatHS::vanoiseHabitat Use by Three Species of Galliformes in the Vanoise National Parc
- adehabitatLT::albatrossArgos Monitoring of Adult Albatross Movement
- adehabitatLT::bearGPS monitoring of one brown bear
- adehabitatLT::buffaloGPS monitoring of a buffalo
- adehabitatLT::capreochizGPS Monitoring of one Roe Deer in Chize (France)
- adehabitatLT::capreotfGPS Monitoring of one Roe Deer in Trois-Fontaines (France)
- adehabitatLT::hsealArgos Monitoring of Hooded Seal
- adehabitatLT::ibexGPS Monitoring of Four Ibex in the Belledonne Mountain
- adehabitatLT::ibexrawGPS Monitoring of Four Ibex in the Belledonne Mountain (irregular data)
- adehabitatLT::mouflonGPS Monitoring of One Mouflon in the Caroux Mountain
- adehabitatLT::porpoiseArgos monitoring of Porpoise Movements
- adehabitatLT::puechcircMovements of wild boars tracked at Puechabon
- adehabitatLT::rupicabauGPS Monitoring of One Chamois in the Bauges Mountains
- adehabitatLT::tealTeal (Anas crecca) Ring Recovery Dataset
- adehabitatLT::whaleArgos Monitoring of Whale Movement
- adehabitatMA::lynxjuraMonitoring of Lynx
- adehabitatMA::puechabonspRadio-Tracking Data of Wild Boar